S12 E24: Christifideles Laici Chapter 5: That You Bear Much Fruit
About This Episode
In this episode, we conclude our five part study of Christifideles Laici. We discuss how life is a continual maturation process and in order to bear new fruit, we need to put in the effort to grow. Community is an integral part of this formation and we chat about how allowing others into our lives is necessary for this maturation and healing. We have deeply enjoyed journeying with you this summer and are excited to announce that Season 13 will begin on September 25th! God bless you friends and thank you for being a part of our community!
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Show Notes
One Thing We Love This Week:
Sister Miriam’s one thing - Healing the Whole Person Weeklong Virtual Retreat
Michelle’s one thing - Her friends the O’Grady’s and for their generosity in letting her use their beachhouse to record this summer series.
Heather’s one thing - The song I Just Love You by UPPERROOM and Abbie Gamboa
Heather’s other one thing - Jake Khym’s new course on Identity. Visit Life Restoration Ministries to find out more information and sign up for the course this fall
Discussion Questions:
How are you being called to grow and mature?
Do you believe that Jesus desires to heal you? How can you open your life to healing?
How are you letting yourself be formed?
Journal Questions:
Where does the Holy Spirit long to bring fruit in my life?
Are the fruits of the Holy Spirit present in my emotions?
Are the fruits of the Holy Spirit present in my relationship with my spouse? With my community? With my children?
Are the fruits of the Holy Spirit present in my home? At work?
Do I have a teachable spirit?
Quotes to Ponder
“The gospel image of the vine and the branches reveals to us another fundamental aspect of the lay faithful’s life and mission:the call to growth and a continual process of maturation, of always bearing much fruit.”
“The fundamental objective of the formation of the lay faithful is an ever-clearer discovery of one’s vocation and the ever-greater willingness to live it so as to fulfill one’s mission.”
“To be able to discover the actual will of the Lord in our lives always involves the following: a receptive listening to the Word of God and the Church, fervent and constant prayer, recourse to a wise and loving spiritual guide, and a faithful discernment of the gifts and talents given by God, as well as the diverse social and historic situations in which one lives.”
“Therefore, in the life of each member of the lay faithful there are particularly significant and decisive moments for discerning God’s call and embracing the mission entrusted by Him. Among these are the periods of adolescence and young adulthood. No one must forget that the Lord, as the master of the laborers in the vineyard, calls at every hour of life so as to make his holy will more precisely and explicitly known.”
“God’s work in forming his people is revealed and fulfilled in Jesus Christ the Teacher, and reaches to the depths of every individual’s heart as a result of the living presence of the Spirit. Mother Church is called to take part in the divine work of formation, both through a sharing of her very life, and through her various pronouncements and actions. It is thus that the lay faithful are formed by the Church and in the Church in a mutual communion and collaboration of all her members: clergy, religious and lay faithful. Thus the whole ecclesial community, in its diverse members, receives the fruitfulness of the Spirit and actively cooperates towards that end. With this in mind Methodius of Olympo wrote: “Those not yet perfected are carried and formed by those more perfect, as in the womb of a mother, until the time they are generated and brought forth for the greatness and beauty of virtue”[217]. This happened with Saint Paul, who was carried and brought forth in the Church by those who were perfected (in the person of Ananias) and, then Paul in his turn, became perfected and fruitful in bringing forth many children. ”
Scripture for Lectio Divina
“He who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”
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