S09 E13: This Present Paradise Part 6: An Interview with Claire Dwyer

In this episode, we conclude our six-part Lenten series on the book “This Present Paradiseby Claire Dwyer. Claire joins us as we discuss the hidden way St. Elizabeth of the Trinity chooses us and draws us closer to God. We chat about St. Elizabeth’s delayed canonization and her prophetic messages: the call to love and be loved, the universal call to holiness, and God’s desire for deep intimacy that moves us to union and receptivity to the Holy Spirit. Thank you for joining us on the journey this Lent!

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S09 E12: This Present Paradise Part 5: Let Love In

In this episode, we continue with part five of our six-part Lenten series on the book “This Present Paradiseby Claire Dwyer. We discuss the power of small acts of love that serve as the true measure of feminine strength. We expand on the idea of humility, vulnerability and the hidden life as they relate to the inner cloister. We also chat about our call to spiritual maternity especially in the invitation to pray for priests. We hope you can join us next week for the conclusion of our series as we are joined by Claire Dwyer for our final discussion.

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S09 E11: This Present Paradise Part 4: The World Within

In this episode, we continue with part four of our six-part Lenten series on the book “This Present Paradise” by Claire Dwyer. We discuss our experiences of peace and home felt at ‘thin places’ like monasteries and convents and how God desires for us to experience this within our souls’ inner cloister. We chat about the maturation of love over time in our relationship with God and the helpfulness of a rule of life to anchor our daily decisions in rightly ordered love. We pray that as your journey through this Lent, you may respond to God’s desire for you and experience greater union with him.

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S09 E10: This Present Paradise Part 3: Redeeming and Declaring

In this episode, we dive into part three of our six-part Lenten series on the book “This Present Paradise” by Claire Dwyer. We chat about the importance of silence in a noisy, distracting world and how God is always present to us. We discuss the truth that God knows us by name, that we are always before him, and that He desires to restore what the enemy has stolen. We also talk about St. Elizabeth’s motto of ‘God in me and I in him’ and reflect on our own life mottos. We pray you may live a presence driven life this Lent and we will continue our journey with St. Elizabeth next week!

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S09 E09: This Present Paradise Part 2: Abiding in Family

In this episode, we continue our six-part Lenten series on the book “This Present Paradise” by Claire Dwyer. We discuss the complementarity of vocations to marriage and religious life and our universal vocation to love. We talk about St. Elizabeth’s relationship with the Virgin Mary and the beauty of entrusting ourselves to her in times of waiting or suffering. We also chat about sacred spaces where God makes His presence known to us sacramentally, in nature, in one another and even in the mundane of our everyday lives. We pray this Lent has been a blessing to you and we will continue our discussion next week!

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S09 E08: This Present Paradise Part 1: Dwelling in the Spirit

In this episode, we begin a six-part Lenten series on the book “This Present Paradise” by Claire Dwyer. We discuss the sufferings in the early life of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, the humbling moments of parenthood and surrendering your giftedness to be refined by God and used for his glory. We chat about the “little way” of recognizing the Trinity in our everyday lives and how often our woundedness and our glory lie side by side. We are excited to continue this journey with St. Elizabeth of the Trinity and you next week!

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S09 E07: An Invitation to God’s Mercy Part 2: An Interview with Fr. Josh Johnson

In this episode, we continue our conversation with Fr. Josh Johnson on the Sacrament of Confession and God’s enduring delight in His children. We discuss how to uncover what might be at the root of our sin and what longings or desires we may be seeking to fulfill when we are in these situations. We finish with a healing prayer led by Fr. Josh and an encouragement to encounter Jesus in confession for greater freedom and healing this Lent!
You can find the Pocket Guide to Reconciliation at AscensionPress.com or Amazon.

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S09 E06: An Invitation to God’s Mercy Part 1: An Interview with Fr. Josh Johnson

In this episode we spend some time with one of our dearest friends, Fr. Josh Johnson, to discuss the invitation to God’s mercy as we prepare for the season of Lent. Fr. Josh shares his own personal stories of healing through the sacrament of confession, as well his heart behind his new book A Pocket Guide to Reconciliation. We discuss confession as a sacrament of healing and God’s heart to restore our relationship with Him rather than condemn or shame us. We will be back next week with part two of our conversation with Fr. Josh, and you can find the Pocket Guide to Reconciliation at AscensionPress.com or Amazon.

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S09 E05: St. Joseph: With A Father’s Heart

In this episode, we focus on the patron of the universal Church, St Joseph. Since Pope Francis has declared this as the “Year of St Joseph”, we desire to uncover the gift of this humble and faithful adoptive father of Jesus. We discuss Joseph as a tender, loving Father who shows us that God can use our frailty and weakness to bring about great things for the Kingdom. We consider how in the face of disappointment, Joseph chose to surrender and continue to give his daily fiat. We pray that you would allow Joseph to take you into his home as he does with Mary and be open to the healing God wants to work in your heart this year.

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Season 9, PodcastsRebecca Loomis
S09 E04: Herstory: Deborah

In this episode, we continue a mini-series on four women in scripture with the story of Deborah. We discuss the story of the prophetess Deborah who takes a posture of receptivity as she collaborates and mothers the people of Israel. We consider Deborah’s magnificat and the ways we can give God praise for what he has done in our own lives. We chat about the importance of being attuned and attentive to God’s voice and where he may be inviting us to call others on to who they were meant to be. We pray that you would hear God’s invitation to rise up this week and allow the Holy Spirit full access that God may bring about his kingdom through you.

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S09 E03: Herstory: Hannah

In this episode, we begin a mini-series on four women in scripture with the story of Hannah. We discuss the importance of acknowledging our desires and the ache of longing much like Hannah’s desire for a child. We chat about the temptation to compare our areas of barrenness to other people’s fruitfulness and the freedom of surrender and keeping our eyes on Christ. We acknowledge the importance of remembering that union with God is the promise, not the things we desire, and how God’s delayed response is sometimes a great mercy. Sister Miriam closes this episode with a prayer inviting the Lord to meet you in the places of fear, despair and longing.

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S09 E02: Year of the Word: An Interview with Fr. Mike Schmitz

In this episode we interview our special guest and friend, Fr. Mike Schmitz and introduce you to a brand new podcast from Ascension Press, The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz featuring Jeff Cavins. We discuss the importance of developing a biblical worldview: a lens to view our relationships, circumstances and choices through how the scripture teaches us to think about ourselves and about God. We chat with one of the most recognizable priests in the modern church about humility, the scripture that speaks to him, and what we all can receive by opening the scriptures every day for a year. You can find a daily reading plan and more information about The Bible in Year Podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz featuring Jeff Cavins at AscensionPress.com.

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S09 E01: Word of the Year

In this episode, we continue our annual tradition of the word of the year! Each year we each ask God to give us a theme to focus on for the new year and invite you to do the same. After personal prayer and reflection, we share our word for 2021 and how God has led us on a journey from year to year. After a difficult 2020, we discuss the importance of hope, not in a thing, but in the Person of Jesus. We chat about how sometimes a new yes to the Holy Spirit requires saying no to something else, to make room in our lives for something new that God is doing. We encourage you to pray, reflect and ask the Lord to reveal to you a new word of hope and renewal for this new year!

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Under Mary's Mantle - Part 4: Mary's Mantle (S08 E15)

In this episode, we conclude our four part Advent series on the nature and character of Mary, our Mother. We chat about the nurturing, protecting motherhood that Mary wants to offer each of us this Christmas season. We discuss how Mary is the perfect model of loving excellently, even through suffering, and that love is always worth the risk of birth. We pray that our hearts would stay open like Mary to be able to see the joy of the resurrection on the other side of our crosses. Thank you for a great season 8 and we will see you in January!

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Under Mary's Mantle - Part 3: Warrior Mother (S08 E14)

In this episode, we continue our four part Advent series on the nature and character of Mary, our Mother. We discuss the call for women to be tender and strong, to fight for those we love with the power of the feminine genius. We chat about the tender strength required to watch Jesus suffer and die and the importance of trust, surrender and strength submitted under the will of God. Mary is offering her motherhood to us if we are willing to receive her invitation of protection.

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Under Mary's Mantle - Part 2: Garden of Her Womb (S08 E13)

In this episode, we continue with Part 2 of our Advent series on Mary, our Mother. The garden of her womb represents safety, tenderness, being wanted, and love. We discuss the restoration of Eve’s failures that came about through Mary’s surrender and the restoration God wants to work in our lives through our surrender and trust. We chat about the importance of saying yes in the moment by moment of every day. We reflect on the idea of placing ourselves in the womb of Mary and allowing her to mother us as the Holy Spirit transforms us. We pray you allow the Holy Spirit to visit you this advent and create new life!

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Under Mary’s Mantle - Part 1: Fiat (S08 E12)

In this episode, we begin our four part Advent series on Mary, our heavenly Mother. We discuss the powerful model Mary is for us in how she trusted the character of God when she surrendered control of her own life to say yes to the Holy Spirit. We also chat about seeking healing for areas where motherhood has wounded us or we have been dominated and manipulated by others. Sister Miriam leads a beautiful time of prayer inviting Mary to mother us and Jesus to heal us. We pray you continue to open your hearts wide to Jesus coming this Advent!

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S08 E11: Holey, Wholly, Holy: Living an Integrated Life

In this episode, we talk about living a healthy and integrated physical and spiritual life with special guest Jackie Mulligan of Reform Wellness. We discuss the importance of acknowledging our weaknesses and holes, so Christ can make us whole and place us on the path to holiness. We chat about the idea of Christ-centered wellness where health is more than a number on a scale but a step-by-step renewal that leads to an abundant life.

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S08 E10: Waymaker: Jesus, the Way, The Truth, and the Life

In this episode, we complete part 3 of our series on the Person of Jesus revealed in Scripture and what it means to personally know Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life. We chat about how relevant this is for us right now as we struggle to see a way forward in the craziness of the world and struggle to know what the truth really is amidst the enemy’s lies. We discuss how living the Paschal Mystery over and over is the Way to experience new life. Jesus invites us to an abundant life: the life that longs to be lived in us. It is not a riddle to be solved, but an invitation to stay with Him.

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Season 8, Series, PJRSRebecca Loomis
S08 E09: New Wine: Jesus, The Vine

In this episode, we continue with part 2 in our series on the Person of Jesus as revealed in Scripture. We break open one of our favorite topics: abiding in the vine. We talk about the freedom that comes from dependence on Jesus and the patience required to allow fruit to mature. When we can let down our defenses of self-protection and allow ourselves to be crushed as grapes, God can transform us into a new wine that is good and sweet, even if it hurts. Jesus is inviting us into a maturation process, a continual surrender that will ultimately bear good fruit, fruit that lasts, for the kingdom.

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Season 8, Series, PJRSRebecca Loomis